Awesome Mlss Alternatives

List of summer schools in machine learning + related fields across the globe
Alternatives To Awesome Mlss
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Awesome Mlss2,266
a year agomit
List of summer schools in machine learning + related fields across the globe
Ml Videos1,416
4 years ago2
A collection of video resources for machine learning
High School Guide To Machine Learning959
a year ago
Being a high schooler myself and having studied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for a year now, I believe that there fails to exist a learning path in this field for High School students. This is my attempt at creating one.
Course Resources Ml With Experts Budgets344
7 years ago2mitJupyter Notebook
Further student resources for DrivenData's 'Machine Learning with the Experts: School Budgets' DataCamp course.
Dliss Tutorial317
3 years agoJupyter Notebook
Tutorial for International Summer School on Deep Learning, 2019
8 years ago8apache-2.0C#
Brain Simulator is a platform for visual prototyping of artificial intelligence architectures.
Hep Ml Resources224
5 years ago6mitTeX
Listing of useful learning resources for machine learning applications in high energy physics (HEPML)
Photo Organizer46
5 years agomitPython
Lviv Data Science Summer School 2016 project
Machine Learning Summer Schools14
4 years agomitJupyter Notebook
Curated materials for different machine learning related summer schools
5 years ago1gpl-3.0Python
This is a 'hands-on' tutorial for the RIKEN International School on Data Assimilation (RISDA2018).
Alternatives To Awesome Mlss
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