High School Guide To Machine Learning Alternatives

Being a high schooler myself and having studied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for a year now, I believe that there fails to exist a learning path in this field for High School students. This is my attempt at creating one.
Alternatives To High School Guide To Machine Learning
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
4 years ago23Python
中文古诗自动作诗机器人,屌炸天,基于tensorflow1.10 api,正在积极维护升级中,快star,保持更新!
Awesome Mlss2,266
a year agomit
List of summer schools in machine learning + related fields across the globe
High School Guide To Machine Learning959
a year ago
Being a high schooler myself and having studied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for a year now, I believe that there fails to exist a learning path in this field for High School students. This is my attempt at creating one.
8 years ago8apache-2.0C#
Brain Simulator is a platform for visual prototyping of artificial intelligence architectures.
2 years ago38mitC#
This repository contains the developer tutorials and samples to demonstrate how to create the experiments contained on AI Lab.
School Of Ai43
a year ago4Jupyter Notebook
Notebooks for the school of AI with the lecture notes
6 years ago2Python
Social Media Image Templates for the School of AI Global Community
7 years agomitJupyter Notebook
School Of Ai Beijing17
6 years ago11mitJupyter Notebook
School of AI 北京
6 years ago1Jupyter Notebook
Repo for the Tutorials of Day1-Day3 of the Nordic Probabilistic AI School (https://probabilistic.ai/)
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