Aws Robomaker Small Warehouse World Alternatives

This Gazebo world is well suited for organizations who are building and testing robot applications for warehouse and logistics use cases.
Alternatives To Aws Robomaker Small Warehouse World
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
2 years ago30mitShell
To connect all over Robots / Peoples and The Social through having a Cloud-Native Technology
Aws Robomaker Small Warehouse World135
3 years ago1mit-0CMake
This Gazebo world is well suited for organizations who are building and testing robot applications for warehouse and logistics use cases.
a year ago1mitCSS
Mars Rover
Aws Robomaker Hospital World67
4 years agomit-0Python
This Gazebo world is well suited for organizations who are building and testing robot applications in hospitals.
Aws Robomaker Sample Application Helloworld38
2 years agomit-0Shell
Demonstrates the structure of ROS projects that work with AWS RoboMaker by creating a robot spinning in an empty world.
Multi Robot Fleet Sample Application35
2 years agomit-0Python
Aws Robomaker Bookstore World32
4 years agootherCMake
A bookstore world with shelving and tables for AWS RoboMaker and Gazebo simulations
Aws Robomaker Racetrack World32
4 years ago1mit-0CMake
A mini racetrack world for developing and testing robots with AWS RoboMaker and Gazebo simulations.
Aws Robomaker Sample Application Objecttracker25
5 years ago3mitPython
Use AWS RoboMaker and demonstrate a simulation that can train a reinforcement learning model to make a TurtleBot WafflePi to follow a TurtleBot burger, and then Deploy via RoboMaker to the robot.
Aws Robomaker Sample Application Persondetection23
5 years ago2otherPython
Use AWS RoboMaker and demonstrate the use of Amazon Rekognition to recognize people's faces and Amazon Polly to synthesize speech.
Alternatives To Aws Robomaker Small Warehouse World
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