Mt Aws Glacier Alternatives

Perl Multithreaded Multipart sync to Amazon Glacier
Alternatives To Mt Aws Glacier
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Evaporatejs1,76226152 years ago51October 08, 201791JavaScript
Javascript library for browser to S3 multipart resumable uploads
Mt Aws Glacier516
8 years ago35gpl-3.0Perl
Perl Multithreaded Multipart sync to Amazon Glacier
S3 Upload Stream320303954 years ago19December 04, 201422mitJavaScript
A Node.js module for streaming data to Amazon S3 via the multipart upload API
Fs2 Aws1793a year ago33November 16, 202317mitScala
fs2 utilities to interact with AWS
Terraform Aws S3 Private Bucket76
a year ago16July 17, 2023bsd-3-clauseHCL
Creates a private, encrypted, versioned S3 bucket with good defaults.
Aws S3 Multipart Presigned Upload65
6 years ago5JavaScript
Multipart + Presigned URL upload to AWS S3/Minio via the browser
Aws Lambda Multipart Parser60444 years ago12August 10, 201811mitJavaScript
Parser of multipart/form-data requests for AWS Lambda
Aws Glacier Multipart Upload38
5 years ago8Shell
Script for uploading large files to AWS Glacier
7 years agoShell
This is a collection of AWS related scripts, snippets and simple solutions.
S3 Concat29
4 years ago2August 28, 20192mitRust
Concatenate Amazon S3 files remotely using flexible patterns
Alternatives To Mt Aws Glacier
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