Project Name | Stars | Downloads | Repos Using This | Packages Using This | Most Recent Commit | Total Releases | Latest Release | Open Issues | License | Language |
Iso | 450 | a year ago | 36 | other | Makefile | |||||
Pop!_OS ISO production | ||||||||||
Dotfiles | 173 | a year ago | 3 | gpl-3.0 | Emacs Lisp | |||||
My dotfiles based on Makefile | ||||||||||
Debian Headless | 107 | a year ago | bsd-3-clause | Makefile | ||||||
Create a debian headless/remote installation image | ||||||||||
Foxos | 72 | 2 years ago | 2 | mit | Makefile | |||||
The FoxOS main repository | ||||||||||
Pipxe | 70 | 4 years ago | 3 | Makefile | ||||||
iPXE for the Raspberry Pi | ||||||||||
Uefi Simple | 54 | 4 years ago | 1 | cc0-1.0 | C | |||||
A simple 64bit UEFI application of Hello World! without using any UEFI toolkit. | ||||||||||
Secure Boot | 54 | 2 years ago | 7 | Makefile | ||||||
UEFI SecureBoot for ArchLinux | ||||||||||
Riscv Brs | 19 | a year ago | 30 | cc-by-4.0 | Makefile | |||||
The Boot and Runtime Services (BRS) specification provides the software requirements for system vendors and Operating System Vendors (OSVs) to interoperate with one another by providing expectations for the Operating System (OS) to utilize in acts of device discovery, system management, and other rich operations provided in this specification. | ||||||||||
Openwrt Uefi Support | 14 | 3 years ago | 1 | gpl-3.0 | Makefile | |||||
Add UEFI-Boot Support to Openwrt v19.07 & v18.06 (Unofficial Support) | ||||||||||
Cxcore | 12 | 5 years ago | 1 | lgpl-3.0 | Makefile | |||||
A prebuilt Linux system use UEFI and f2fs for RaspberryPi 3B, RaspberryPi 3B+, RaspberryPi 4B |