Pipxe Alternatives

iPXE for the Raspberry Pi
Alternatives To Pipxe
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
2 years ago62Makefile
NOOBS (New Out Of Box Software) - An easy Operating System install manager for the Raspberry Pi
Lakka Libreelec1,593
a year ago39Makefile
Lakka is a lightweight Linux distribution that transforms a small computer into a full blown game console.
2 years ago149Makefile
An enhanced Operating System installer for the Raspberry Pi
Raspberrypi Freertos356
7 years ago6otherC
A port of FreeRTOS to the raspberry pi.
Arm Assembly Cheat146
6 years ago1Makefile
MOVED TO: https://github.com/cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat#userland-assembly SEE README. ARMv7 and ARMv8 assembly userland minimal examples tutorial. Runnable asserts on x86 hosts with QEMU user mode or natively on ARM targets. Nice GDB step debug setup. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 host and Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 targets.
Ghost On Docker106
8 years ago3mitMakefile
Ghost Blog on Docker - Dockerfile for ARM etc
Docker Plex93
a year agomitMakefile
Plex Media Server - Docker Image (Multiarch + Raspberry Pi) - 5M downloads
Pi Builder87
a year ago1gpl-3.0Python
Extensible tool to build Arch Linux ARM for Raspberry Pi on x86_64 host using Docker
a year agoMakefile
OS for PiKVM based on Arch Linux ARM
4 years ago3Makefile
iPXE for the Raspberry Pi
Alternatives To Pipxe
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