Owl_symbolic Alternatives

Connect Owl with other accelerators and numerical frameworks with symbolic maths
Alternatives To Owl_symbolic
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Qkeras514210 months ago1July 07, 202138apache-2.0Python
QKeras: a quantization deep learning library for Tensorflow Keras
Tvm Vta170
2 years ago2apache-2.0Scala
Open, Modular, Deep Learning Accelerator
Arrayfire Ml88
6 years ago20bsd-3-clauseC++
ArrayFire's Machine Learning Library.
Ai Accelerators83
2 years ago
CSV spreadsheets and other material for AI accelerator survey papers
Ml Testing Accelerators58
10 months ago35apache-2.0Jsonnet
Testing framework for Deep Learning models (Tensorflow and PyTorch) on Google Cloud hardware accelerators (TPU and GPU)
Conversational Azure Openai Accelerator57
a year ago
The Conversational Azure OpenAI (ChatGPT) Accelerator, from Microsoft partner Zammo.ai, uses OpenAI to improve customer experience by automating conversations and summarizations. This leverages Azure AI services, deploys to voice and text channels, and saves customers time creating UI, conversational flows, and API integrations.
3 years ago14bsd-3-clauseC++
SMAUG: Simulating Machine Learning Applications Using Gem5-Aladdin
Eta272a year ago47September 08, 202336apache-2.0Python
ETA: Extensible Toolkit for Analytics
Accelerating Recsys Training24
a year ago1mitPython
Accelerating Recommender model training by leveraging popular choices -- VLDB 2022
3 years ago1otherOCaml
Connect Owl with other accelerators and numerical frameworks with symbolic maths
Alternatives To Owl_symbolic
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