Uizoo.js Alternatives

Dynamic React components library 🦉
Alternatives To Uizoo.js
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Enzyme19,95351,43530,5682 months ago54December 20, 2019287mitJavaScript
JavaScript Testing utilities for React
Reactopt1,970417 years ago24December 07, 20179JavaScript
A CLI React performance optimization tool that identifies potential unnecessary re-rendering
X01,68460665 years ago199October 20, 201833mitJavaScript
Document & develop React components without breaking a sweat
React Testing Library Course948
2 years ago3otherJavaScript
Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library on TestingJavaScript.com
React Pin Field40049 months ago46September 09, 20234mitTypeScript
📟 React component for entering PIN codes.
React Testing Mocha Jsdom270
6 years ago9JavaScript
Unit testing React Components with Mocha + jsdom
Uizoo.js24225 years ago8November 13, 201711mitJavaScript
Dynamic React components library 🦉
Essential Tdd Bdd React List236
7 years ago2gpl-2.0
List of all TDD / BDD React.js related tutorials / links / repos / slides
React Testing Demo198
7 years agoJavaScript
A tutorial of testing React components
React Karma Webpack Testing106
8 years agoJavaScript
Example repository for testing React components using Karma and Webpack. This is likely outdated, it's been 3+ years.
Alternatives To Uizoo.js
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