Mimalloc Alternatives

mimalloc is a compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance.
Alternatives To Mimalloc
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
8 months ago6April 15, 2022300mitC
mimalloc is a compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance.
5 years ago7mitC++
Experimental deferred and unordered destruction library for C++
2 years agobsd-2-clauseC
Portable base library for C programmers, designed for performance and simplicity.
3 years ago1apache-2.0C
malloc / free replacement for unmanaged, linear memory situations (e.g. WASM, embedded devices...)
5 years ago1mitC
A simple heap memory allocator in ~200 lines.
Scala Offheap53315 years ago1November 03, 201515bsd-3-clauseScala
Experimental type-safe off-heap memory for Scala.
Larray39052 years ago6November 27, 201724apache-2.0Scala
Large off-heap arrays and mmap files for Scala and Java
Heap Layers345
a year ago3apache-2.0C++
Heap Layers: An Extensible Memory Allocation Infrastructure
Ig Memtrace341
5 years ago5bsd-2-clauseC#
Memory Tracing Software
a year ago3mitC++
Constant-complexity deterministic memory allocator (heap) for hard real-time high-integrity embedded systems. There is very little activity because the project is finished and does not require further changes.
Alternatives To Mimalloc
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