Mongodb_logger Alternatives

MongoDB logger for Rails
Alternatives To Mongodb_logger
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
a year ago1February 27, 2018759lgpl-3.0C
a Rocket-fast SYStem for LOG processing
Analog33514925a year ago21December 10, 20232mitPHP
PHP logging library that is highly extendable and simple to use.
Winston Mongodb288497173a year ago69January 27, 202333JavaScript
A MongoDB transport for winston
Mongodb Migrations25253107 years ago32January 16, 201724mitCoffeeScript
A Node.js migration framework for MongoDB
Nestjs Microservices214
a year ago1mitShell
🚀 Fully managed Microservices starter pack using NestJs, RabbitMQ, Kong api gateway, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Grafana, Loki, Fluentbit.
Production Ready Expressjs Server211
a year ago58mitJavaScript
Express.js server that implements production-ready error handling and logging following latest best practices.
12 years ago25March 30, 20222gpl-3.0Python
Command line tool to log all MongoDB queries in a "tail"able way
a year ago175October 18, 202321mitGo
A standard library for microservices.
Mongodb_logger142718 years ago35December 29, 20142mitRuby
MongoDB logger for Rails
Log4mongo Net1282046 years ago13November 02, 201512bsd-3-clauseC#
log4net appender to MongoDB database.
Alternatives To Mongodb_logger
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