Levelup Alternatives

A wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores, for Node.js and browsers.
Alternatives To Levelup
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Leveldb34,42549 months ago4June 24, 2021304bsd-3-clauseC++
LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
3 years ago1February 27, 2018378bsd-3-clauseC++
SSDB - A fast NoSQL database, an alternative to Redis
Goleveldb5,7941,2775,405a year ago6August 19, 2021103bsd-2-clauseGo
LevelDB key/value database in Go.
Pebble4,2605179 months ago54April 23, 2021268bsd-3-clauseGo
RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go
Levelup4,0788,6361,2512 years ago108October 02, 2021mitJavaScript
A wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores, for Node.js and browsers.
a year ago32otherJava
These are the sample Bounded Contexts from the book "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by Vaughn Vernon: http://vaughnvernon.co/?page_id=168
a year ago24
9 months ago13mitGo
A distributed key value store in under 1000 lines. Used in production at comma.ai
6 years ago4apache-2.0Python
Viewfinder client and server code
9 months ago61October 16, 202279apache-2.0Go
Bifrost ---- 面向生产环境的 MySQL,MariaDB,kafka 同步到Redis,MongoDB,ClickHouse,StarRocks,Doris,Kafka等服务的异构中间件
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