Tianchi Medical Lungtumordetect Alternatives

天池医疗AI大赛[第一季]:肺部结节智能诊断 UNet/VGG/Inception/ResNet/DenseNet
Alternatives To Tianchi Medical Lungtumordetect
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Netron27,5504702 days ago610December 09, 202327mitJavaScript
Visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models
Data Science Ipython Notebooks25,668
a year ago34otherPython
Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines.
Ncnn20,131113 days ago26October 27, 20231,010otherC++
ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
Onnx16,2751484938 months ago31October 26, 2023296apache-2.0Python
Open standard for machine learning interoperability
Keras Gan8,842
2 years ago142mitPython
Keras implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks.
10 months ago3otherJupyter Notebook
T81-558: Keras - Applications of Deep Neural Networks @Washington University in St. Louis
Keras Rl5,3485132 years ago8June 01, 201843mitPython
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras.
Keras Js4,8793182 years ago7February 09, 201883mitJavaScript
Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGL
Image Super Resolution4,392
9 months ago106apache-2.0Python
🔎 Super-scale your images and run experiments with Residual Dense and Adversarial Networks.
a year agomitJupyter Notebook
A comprehensive machine learning repository containing 30+ notebooks on different concepts, algorithms and techniques.
Alternatives To Tianchi Medical Lungtumordetect
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