Weemo.js Alternatives

Weemo JavaScript API
Alternatives To Weemo.js
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
React Native Webrtc4,407104898 months ago107November 27, 202326mitJava
The WebRTC module for React Native
Headtrackr3,6111045 years ago1January 26, 201319JavaScript
Javascript library for headtracking via webcam and WebRTC/getUserMedia
Instascan2,3655584 years ago7April 26, 2017177mitJavaScript
HTML5 QR code scanner using your webcam
React Native Twilio Video Webrtc59184a year ago7April 24, 2023192mitJava
Twilio Video (WebRTC) for React Native
Mediadevices491348 months ago65November 06, 202360mitGo
Go implementation of the MediaDevices API.
Rpi Webrtc Streamer465
3 years ago21otherC++
This repo's objective is providing something like Web Cam server on the most popular Raspberry PI hardware. By integrating [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/native-code/) and Raspberry PI, we can stream the Raspberry camera feed to browser or native client which talks WebRTC.
Jacktrip Webrtc370
2 years ago15gpl-3.0JavaScript
JackTrip meets WebRTC
Webrtc.io Demo311
12 years ago12JavaScript
webrtc.io multi user chat demo. Highly experimental technology
2 years ago7otherJavaScript
Camera controls for the Web
Playcanvas Ar186
3 years ago10mitJavaScript
Fast and Easy Augmented Reality for the Web :rocket:
Alternatives To Weemo.js
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