Web3privacy Alternatives

Web3Privacy Now is a research project aimed at building a culture of privacy industry in web3: the most extensive database of privacy-enhancing solutions, the framework for PEDApps ideation, use-cases database & many more. Feel free to collaborate.
Alternatives To Web3privacy
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Verida Js76419a year ago12November 28, 202369iscTypeScript
The Verida SDK provides several SDKs to interact with the Verida Network
a year ago11cc0-1.0
Web3Privacy Now is a research project aimed at building a culture of privacy industry in web3: the most extensive database of privacy-enhancing solutions, the framework for PEDApps ideation, use-cases database & many more. Feel free to collaborate.
a year ago95apache-2.0TypeScript
Open Source and OIDC compliant digital identity for the private web
Ambianic Edge98
2 years ago1apache-2.0Python
The core runtime engine for Ambianic Edge devices.
a year ago21agpl-3.0JavaScript
Quorum.js37343 years ago9November 20, 2020otherJavaScript
Quorum.js is an extension to web3.js providing support for JP Morgan's Quorum API
a year agoTypeScript
Authenticate geographical location with service providers while preserving their privacy. Powered by ZK-SNARK proofs. Users can verify being within a certain region, following a certain path, or being outside a specified area, without revealing their precise coordinates.
Hopr Core16
4 years agogpl-3.0JavaScript
Main repository of HOPR - this is all you need to run a node on the HOPR network!
Before Bitcoin13
6 years agogpl-3.0
Book about the ideological context of cryptocurrency. 'Before Bitcoin' written by Pet3rpan.
a year ago45lgpl-3.0TypeScript
RPCh is the only private RPC provider. Uses HOPR under the hood.
Alternatives To Web3privacy
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