Backup And Recovery Howtos Alternatives

Guides to setting up a media storage system, backing it up, and recovering from failures
Alternatives To Backup And Recovery Howtos
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
a year ago25September 10, 2023206mitGo
One-stop ZFS backup & replication solution
4 years ago4C
command-line utility for restoring from Arq backups
Safe4411419 years ago27August 11, 201422mitRuby
simple backup for mysql, posgresql, svn and files to s3 or local filesystem
Backup And Recovery Howtos319
a year ago3
Guides to setting up a media storage system, backing it up, and recovering from failures
2 years ago27gpl-2.0C++
tool for in-place filesystem conversion (for example from jfs/xfs/reiser to ext2/ext3/ext4) without backup
5 years ago15March 14, 201636otherPython
A tool to backup cassandra nodes using snapshots and incremental backups on S3
2 years ago17gpl-2.0C
file system archiver for linux
2 years ago9gpl-2.0Java
Sync a local filesystem on linux, windows and osx incremental and encrypted with google drive simliar to rsync. You can also restore the encrypted data back to a local filesystem. It works as a complete backup solution for your private data.
2 years ago8iscPython
Silent CORruption CHecker and filesystem audit tool
a year agoagpl-3.0Go
User-space deniable data encryption client.
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