Awesome Webgl Alternatives

A curated list of awesome WebGL libraries, resources and much more
Alternatives To Awesome Webgl
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
4 years ago31mitJavaScript
A full open source 3D graphics editor in the browser, with scene editor, coding pad, graph editor, virtual file system, and many features more.
Glsleditor1,86622 years ago20November 23, 202229mitJavaScript
Simple WebGL Fragment Shader Editor
3 years ago45otherC#
UIWidget is a Unity Package which helps developers to create, debug and deploy efficient, cross-platform Apps.
Phaser Examples1,660
13 years agoSeptember 20, 202217JavaScript
Contains hundreds of source code examples and related media for the Phaser HTML5 Game Framework.
8 months ago85mitJavaScript
LayaAir is an open-source 2D/3D engine. LayaAir Engine is designed for high performance games.LayaAir support TypeScript and JavaScript、ActionScript 3.0 programming language.Can develop once, publish for multi platform.
9 months ago59February 16, 202225mitJavaScript
Cross-platform 3D scene editor based on three.js, golang and mongodb for desktop and web.
Ct Js1,443
8 months ago22mitTypeScript
Ct.js is a desktop game engine that makes learning programming fun and game development easy by its visual editors and well-documented code library
Awesome Webgl1,191
a year ago2cc0-1.0
A curated list of awesome WebGL libraries, resources and much more
Webgl Filter920
3 years ago8mitJavaScript
An image editor in WebGL
6 years ago10otherJavaScript
:video_game: Pokemon MMO engine with realtime editor
Alternatives To Awesome Webgl
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