Homebridge Pico Alternatives

Expose Lutron Pico Remotes in Homebridge: https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge
Alternatives To Homebridge Pico
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Homebridge Webos Tv61629 months ago67December 07, 20233mitJavaScript
Homebridge plugin for LG webOS TVs
Homebridge Server150126 years ago35February 18, 201810JavaScript
Server plugin for homebridge
Homebridge Amazondash5626 years ago8September 06, 201720JavaScript
Amazon Dash Button plugin for Homebridge
Homebridge Pico5223 years ago11January 22, 20221mitJavaScript
Expose Lutron Pico Remotes in Homebridge: https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge
Homebridge Broadlink Heater Cooler252a year ago57November 18, 202010apache-2.0TypeScript
Homebridge Plugin for the control AUX-family Air Conditioners based on Broadlink Wi-Fi module
Homebridge Http Simple Switch1845 years ago2December 17, 20163apache-2.0JavaScript
Homebridge simple http switch (push button style)
Homebridge Neeo1227 years ago1September 30, 20174mitJavaScript
Homebridge plugin for the NEEO brain and remote
Homebridge Radiora210210 months ago44November 01, 20232mitJavaScript
Lutron RadioRA2 plugin for homebridge
Homebridge Dummy Radio Switch92a year ago8September 10, 20232mitTypeScript
Homebridge plugin that exposes a radio button selection with dummy switches.
Homebridge Bluetooth Tag9
8 years ago1JavaScript
Homebrige plugin for Bluetooth button tags
Alternatives To Homebridge Pico
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