Pygogo Alternatives

A Python logging library with superpowers
Alternatives To Pygogo
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Signale8,9396,5471,3366 months ago8February 26, 2019n,ullmitJavaScript
Highly configurable logging utility
Loglevel2,510658a year ago28November 08, 202216mitJavaScript
:ledger: Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to wrap any available console.log methods
Chromephp1,319147445 years ago2June 26, 201338PHP
class for logging PHP variables to Google Chrome console
Node Draftlog1,1335691414 years ago11March 26, 20215mitJavaScript
📜 Create mutable log lines into the terminal, and give life to your logs!
67 years ago2March 24, 201512otherObjective-C
Screenlog.js829432 years ago7January 25, 20199mitJavaScript
Bring console.log on the screen
Gradle Test Logger Plugin772
a year ago26apache-2.0Groovy
A Gradle plugin for printing beautiful logs on the console while running tests
Rxjs Spy67629542 years ago51January 01, 202210mitTypeScript
A debugging library for RxJS
React Log555324 years ago18February 27, 20184otherJavaScript
React for the Console
Javascript Debug442
59 years agoJune 22, 20105otherJavaScript
JavaScript Debug: A simple wrapper for console.log
Alternatives To Pygogo
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