Matcaps Alternatives

Huge library of matcap PNG textures organized by color
Alternatives To Matcaps
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Material Maker2,961
9 months ago150mitGDScript
A procedural textures authoring and 3D model painting tool based on the Godot game engine
10 months ago3JavaScript
Huge library of matcap PNG textures organized by color
Three.meshline2,0343861a year ago9February 27, 202277mitJavaScript
Mesh replacement for THREE.Line
2 years ago19mitShaderLab
Unity unlit screen space decal shader for URP. Just create a new material using this shader, then assign it to a new unity cube GameObject = DONE, now you have unlit decal working in URP
Unity Resource Checker679
4 years ago11C#
Editor utility for unity to help check resources in the current scene (including active textures, their sizes, materials, meshes and which objects are using them)
6 years ago2mitC#
Customizable radial progress bar shader for Unity3D. Allows you to set arc range, minimum and maximum colors, textures, radius, and a few more things. Create HP Bars, Speedometers, rank progress, etc!
Three Projected Material49242 years ago15February 27, 20231mitJavaScript
📽 Three.js Material which lets you do Texture Projection on a 3d Model
9 years ago2mitJavaScript
ThreeAudio helps you create music visualizations in Three.js or tQuery.
6 years agomitC#
Procedural vertical dissolve shader. Highly customizable. Tweak edge color, noisiness & waviness, rim light, emission scrolling and more.
6 years ago2mitGLSL
Highly customizable sci-fi shield / force field shader for Unity3D. Allows you to set edge power & color, inner texture scrolling, waviness, scale pulsation and procedural intensity noise. Implements tessellation for low-poly base meshes.
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