Libvips Alternatives

A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
Alternatives To Libvips
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Libvips8,73338 months ago2March 23, 201861lgpl-2.1C
A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
Govips1,07078 months ago39May 04, 202336mitGo
A lightning fast image processing and resizing library for Go
Image_processing7941,82155a year ago44March 01, 202214mitRuby
High-level image processing wrapper for libvips and ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick
Wasm Imagemagick699262 years ago10August 20, 202073apache-2.0TypeScript
Webassembly compilation of & samples
Korkut351122 years ago7September 04, 20184mitTypeScript
Quick and simple image processing at the command line. :hammer:
Jekyll Gallery Generator333
142 years ago19April 03, 20205apache-2.0Ruby
A Jekyll plugin that generates photo galleries from directories full of images.
Skeptick3273210 years ago4January 22, 20151mitRuby
Better ImageMagick for Ruby
Node S3 Uploader2327876 years ago45November 24, 201631mitJavaScript
Flexible and efficient resize, rename, and upload images to Amazon S3 disk storage. Uses the official AWS Node SDK for transfer, and ImageMagick for image processing. Support for multiple image versions targets.
Php Legofy161
4 years ago2October 11, 2018PHP
Transform your images as if they were made out of LEGO bricks.
57a year ago51April 21, 202113mitC++
pgmagick is a yet another boost.python based wrapper for GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick.
Alternatives To Libvips
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