Influxdb Alternatives

Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
Alternatives To Influxdb
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Prometheus51,501917a year ago749December 08, 2023939apache-2.0Go
The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
Influxdb29,0936321,4432 months ago661November 08, 20231,879apache-2.0Rust
Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
a year ago906otherTypeScript
SigNoz is an open-source observability platform native to OpenTelemetry with logs, traces and metrics in a single application. An open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. 🔥 🖥. 👉 Open source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Observability tool
Amplify Js9,4737285535 days ago2,012December 08, 2023602apache-2.0TypeScript
A declarative JavaScript library for application development using cloud services.
a year ago42mitTypeScript
Resolve production issues, fast. An open source observability platform unifying session replays, logs, metrics, traces and errors powered by Clickhouse and OpenTelemetry.
Mozaik3,58350262 years ago64December 23, 2016136mitJavaScript
Mozaïk is a tool based on nodejs / react / redux / nivo / d3 to easily craft beautiful dashboards
Sensu Go94556a year ago171October 05, 2022253mitGo
Simple. Scalable. Multi-cloud monitoring.
a year ago7mitTypeScript
A Docker & Kubernetes developer tool to manage containers & visualize both cluster and container metrics
React Metrics5912864 years ago18March 16, 201829mitJavaScript
An analytics module for React
React Native Branch Deep Linking Attribution5277,47712a month ago130October 11, 202377mitTypeScript
The Branch React Native SDK for deep linking and attribution. Branch helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power paid acquisition and re-engagement campaigns, referral programs, content sharing, deep linked emails, smart banners, custom user onboarding, and more.
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