Fastplotlib Alternatives

Next-gen fast plotting library running on WGPU using the pygfx rendering engine
Alternatives To Fastplotlib
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
a month ago1,018otherC++
Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
Heavydb2,96445 months ago7September 02, 2021279apache-2.0C++
HeavyDB (formerly OmniSciDB)
a year ago896mitJulia
Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia
Pygraphistry1,98842a year ago166December 05, 2023159bsd-3-clausePython
PyGraphistry is a Python library to quickly load, shape, embed, and explore big graphs with the GPU-accelerated Graphistry visual graph analyzer
Python Opengl538
3 years ago21otherHTML
An open access book on Python, OpenGL and Scientific Visualization, Nicolas P. Rougier, 2018
Webgl Wind482
6 years ago6iscJavaScript
Wind power visualization with WebGL particles
Pymde48062 years ago20November 20, 202221apache-2.0Python
Minimum-distortion embedding with PyTorch
3 months ago14November 30, 202378apache-2.0Python
Next-gen fast plotting library running on WGPU using the pygfx rendering engine
Heavyai Charting3992a month ago9June 10, 202165otherJavaScript
Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered using d3.js
a year ago15apache-2.0Python
GPU accelerated cross filtering with cuDF.
Alternatives To Fastplotlib
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