Countries States Cities Database Alternatives

🌍 Discover our global repository of countries, states, and cities! 🏙️ Get comprehensive data in JSON, SQL, PSQL, XML, YAML, and CSV formats. Access ISO2, ISO3 codes, country code, capital, native language, timezones (for countries), and more. #countries #states #cities
Alternatives To Countries States Cities Database
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Structured Text Tools6,815
10 months ago3
A list of command-line tools for manipulating structured text data
Countries States Cities Database6,034
9 months ago86odbl-1.0PHP
🌍 Discover our global repository of countries, states, and cities! 🏙️ Get comprehensive data in JSON, SQL, PSQL, XML, YAML, and CSV formats. Access ISO2, ISO3 codes, country code, capital, native language, timezones (for countries), and more. #countries #states #cities
Countries5,8563991119 months ago24September 17, 202318odbl-1.0PHP
World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and Yaml. Any help is welcome!
Tablib4,3911,17910110 months ago45July 20, 202333mitPython
Python Module for Tabular Datasets in XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML, &c.
Content2,8752089 months ago60October 27, 2023344mitTypeScript
The file-based CMS for your Nuxt application, powered by Markdown and Vue components.
10 months agomitC#
luban是一个强大、易用、优雅、稳定的游戏配置解决方案。luban is a powerful, easy-to-use, elegant and stable game configuration solution.
Datamodel Code Generator2,085639 months ago181November 26, 2023121mitPython
Pydantic model and dataclasses.dataclass generator for easy conversion of JSON, OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and YAML data sources.
Trdsql1,717710 months ago65November 10, 202312mitGo
CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON, YAML and TBLN. Can output to various formats.
3 years ago1October 02, 202010mitPython
Scrape job websites into a single spreadsheet with no duplicates.
Just Dashboard1,489333 years ago29July 13, 201949mitJavaScript
:bar_chart: :clipboard: Dashboards using YAML or JSON files
Alternatives To Countries States Cities Database
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