Flutter_smart_select Alternatives

SmartSelect allows you to easily convert your usual form select or dropdown into dynamic page, popup dialog, or sliding bottom sheet with various choices input such as radio, checkbox, switch, chips, or even custom input. Supports single and multiple choice.
Alternatives To Flutter_smart_select
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Vxe Table7,724236032 months ago1,311December 06, 2023710mitTypeScript
Vxe Table 支持 vue2, vue3 的表格解决方案
Bootstrap Switch5,081622603 years ago16April 13, 2019200mitPug
Turn checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches.
Switchery2,06524 years ago1April 02, 201977JavaScript
iOS 7 style switches for your checkboxes
163 years ago11August 06, 2019mitSwift
Nicely animated flat design switch alternative to UISwitch
Shinywidgets79058165a year ago37August 30, 202392gpl-3.0R
shinyWidgets : Extend widgets available in shiny
4 years agon,ullmitJavaScript
:rabbit: A simple and powerful switch for checkbox.
Flutter_smart_select38711a year ago18September 13, 2023mitDart
SmartSelect allows you to easily convert your usual form select or dropdown into dynamic page, popup dialog, or sliding bottom sheet with various choices input such as radio, checkbox, switch, chips, or even custom input. Supports single and multiple choice.
Easy Toggle State259124 years ago50December 30, 20201mitJavaScript
A tiny JavaScript library to easily toggle the state of any HTML element in any contexts, and create UI components in no time.
React Icheck17538127 years ago18April 14, 20177JavaScript
:radio_button: iCheck components built with React. Highly customizable checkbox, radio buttons and radio group.
3 years ago3Objective-C
JhForm - 自定义表单工具,更加简单,快捷的创建表单、设置页面
Alternatives To Flutter_smart_select
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