Jquery Iframe Transport Alternatives

jQuery Ajax transport plugin that supports file uploads through a hidden iframe
Alternatives To Jquery Iframe Transport
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Jquery Iframe Transport3593058 years ago1August 12, 201522mitJavaScript
jQuery Ajax transport plugin that supports file uploads through a hidden iframe
Angular Upload2361427 years ago3August 21, 201532mitJavaScript
Upload service with iframe fallback and some nice directives to go with it.
12 years ago5JavaScript
S3 Uploader Rails Example (uses the jQuery-File-Upload plugin)
16 years ago1mitRuby
Rails plugin to make ajax file uploads Just Work.
Fusty Flow.js4647 years ago1December 14, 20157mitJavaScript
Flow.js html5 file upload support for older browsers using iframe
Please162048 years ago12November 24, 20153mitJavaScript
A small and modern AJAX library with support for file uploads
Sinatra Xhr Upload Example15
13 years ago2JavaScript
An example sinatra app with html 5 xhr upload and faux ajax iframe upload as fallback for older browsers, the principles can be ported to Rails very easily
16 years ago1mit
Rails plugin to allow AJAX file upload imitation (via IFRAME).
Nodejs Multipart Form Upload12
5 years ago
hey, what?
a year ago4PHP
eiFinder for XOOPS
Alternatives To Jquery Iframe Transport
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