Lein Capsule Alternatives

A Leiningen plugin for Parallel Universe's Capsule
Alternatives To Lein Capsule
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Prestissimo6,33176453 years ago36February 16, 202038mitPHP
composer parallel install plugin
Zsh Snap1,110
10 months ago12mitShell
⚡️ Znap! Fast, easy-to-use tools for Zsh dotfiles & plugins, plus git repos
Vagrant Parallels989
35 months ago86October 16, 202313mitRuby
Vagrant Parallels Provider
Webpack Parallel Uglify Plugin4613383433 years ago27December 06, 20202JavaScript
A faster uglifyjs plugin.
Webpack Uglify Parallel143235995 years ago5September 15, 20175mitJavaScript
Identical to standard uglify webpack plugin, with an option to build multiple files in parallel
Broccoli Babel Transpiler576,477203a year ago66August 17, 202318mitJavaScript
Broccoli plugin for Babel
Pennylane Lightning5519 months ago10August 05, 202232apache-2.0C++
The PennyLane-Lightning plugin provides a fast state-vector simulator written in C++ for use with PennyLane
Parallel Test Executor Plugin49
9 months ago18Java
Parallel test executor plugin
a year agogpl-2.0C++
ExtIO plugin for Winrad/HDSDR connecting to librtlsdr's rtl_tcp
Lein Capsule31
8 years ago1otherClojure
A Leiningen plugin for Parallel Universe's Capsule
Alternatives To Lein Capsule
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