Ircis Alternatives

I Run Chars I See(IRCIS) - a 2d grid based esoteric programming language.
Alternatives To Ircis
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Backward Cpp3,401
10 months ago2August 28, 202193mitC++
A beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++
2 years ago10apache-2.0C++
Powerful multi-threaded coroutine dispatcher and parallel execution engine
a year ago3bsd-2-clauseC
User-space UDP/IP stack on top of netmap
4 years agomitC++
I Run Chars I See(IRCIS) - a 2d grid based esoteric programming language.
Micro Containers14
a year agootherC++
Fast, Slim, Embeddable, Headers Only C++11 containers library. No standard library is required.
10 months ago4mitC
KAI is a distributed computing model written in modern C++ and is cross-plaftorm. Using custom language translators and an executor, KAI provides full reflection, persistence and cross-process communications without having to modify existing source code. KAI Comes with an automated, generational tricolor garbage collector, and Console- and Window-based interfaces.
Freeflow Legacy7
10 years ago5apache-2.0C++
A OpenFlow Protocol Stack
4 years agoC++
Library to build Virtual Network Functions
7 years agoC++
SPIGlass, an LLVM-based solution to sanitize stack pointer
5 years agoapache-2.0C++
A C++ exception type that captures a stack backtrace when thrown.
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