Airmapview Alternatives

A view abstraction to provide a map user interface with various underlying map providers
Alternatives To Airmapview
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
React Google Maps4,4974,3243863 years ago101January 05, 2018266mitJavaScript
React.js Google Maps integration component
Google Maps Services Python4,2361,15351a year ago51January 26, 202345apache-2.0Python
Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services
Google Maps Services Js2,776792147a year ago24April 30, 202029apache-2.0TypeScript
Node.js client library for Google Maps API Web Services
Google Maps For Rails2,3013,85147 years ago103February 02, 201741mitJavaScript
Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps
123 years ago18October 10, 201927apache-2.0Java
A view abstraction to provide a map user interface with various underlying map providers
Privacy Redirect1,755
a year ago208gpl-3.0JavaScript
A simple web extension that redirects Twitter, YouTube, Instagram & Google Maps requests to privacy friendly alternatives.
Cordova Plugin Googlemaps1,659459136 months ago63April 09, 202048apache-2.0JavaScript
Google Maps plugin for Cordova
Google Maps Services Java1,65388036a year ago59March 30, 202331apache-2.0Java
Java client library for Google Maps API Web Services
React Google Maps Api1,64647260a year ago134July 26, 2023160mitTypeScript
React Google Maps API
Google Maps React1,5991,3211172 years ago37April 21, 2020295mitJavaScript
Companion code to the "How to Write a Google Maps React Component" Tutorial
Alternatives To Airmapview
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