Ob Tmux Alternatives

Ob-tmux is an Emacs library that allows org mode to evaluate code blocks in a tmux session.
Alternatives To Ob Tmux
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Tmux Resurrect10,374
a year ago230mitShell
Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
Awesome Tmux6,570
a year ago1
A list of awesome resources for tmux
Vim Tmux Navigator4,603
a year ago56mitVim Script
Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
3 years ago9April 18, 202210mitGo
Share a terminal session over WebRTC
Tmux Macosx Pasteboard2,191
4 years ago1February 27, 201814bsd-2-clauseC
Notes and workarounds for accessing the Mac OS X pasteboard in tmux sessions. Note: The pu branch (“Proposed Updates”) may be rewound without notice.
Tmux Xpanes1,823
a year ago1March 03, 202119mitShell
Awesome tmux-based terminal divider
Tmux Config1,735
2 years ago40Shell
Tmux configuration, that supercharges your tmux to build cozy and cool terminal environment
2 years ago2Shell
bash, zsh, git, tmux, personal toolbox
a year ago30mitShell
Tmuxify your Tmux. Powerful session, window & pane management for Tmux.
16 years ago29December 15, 20219Python
Intelligent tmux session management
Alternatives To Ob Tmux
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