Janusgraph Alternatives

JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database
Alternatives To Janusgraph
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Janusgraph5,07764356 months ago392November 30, 2023521otherJava
JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database
6 years ago1bsd-3-clausePython
Query and report user logons relations from MS Windows Security Events
Graph Aided Search154
3 years ago6October 21, 2016Java
Elasticsearch plugin offering Neo4j integration for Personalized Search
Kibana Vega Vis123
5 years ago27apache-2.0JavaScript
This Kibana plugin allows any data visualizations from Elastic Search and other data sources using Vega grammar. You can even create a visualization on top of an interactive map.
Yang Db95
a year ago15apache-2.0Java
YANGDB Open-source, Scalable, Non-native Graph database (Powered by Elasticsearch)
10 years ago18apache-2.0JavaScript
People. Places. Things. Graphs.
3 years ago24apache-2.0Python
RepoXplorer - Git stats explorer
Comms Analyzer Toolbox46
2 years ago2apache-2.0Dockerfile
Tool for OSINT forensic analysis, search and graphing of communications content such as email MBOX files and CSV text message data using Elasticsearch and Kibana
Janusgraph Docker46
5 years agoPython
Yet another JanusGraph, Cassandra/Scylla and Elasticsearch in Docker Compose setup
Elastic Graph Recommender33
4 years ago3apache-2.0JavaScript
Building recommenders with Elastic Graph!
Alternatives To Janusgraph
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Graph Database