Text_classification vs Cnn Text Classification Tf vs Tensorflow Tutorial vs Pointnet vs Text Classification Cnn Rnn vs Imgclsmob vs Efficientnet vs Practical Machine Learning With Python vs Auto_ml vs Gdlnotes

Text_classificationCnn Text Classification TfPointnetTensorflow TutorialText Classification Cnn RnnImgclsmobPractical Machine Learning With PythonEfficientnetGdlnotesAuto_ml
Dependent Packages9126
Dependent Repos21
Most Recent Commit7 months ago4 years ago5 months ago3 years ago5 years ago2 years agoa year ago3 months agoa year ago5 years ago
Total Releases67978
Latest ReleaseSeptember 21, 2021September 15, 2020February 22, 2018
Open Issues45110176716619648182
Programming LanguagePythonPythonPythonPythonPythonPythonJupyter NotebookPythonPythonPython