Apnswift Alternatives

📱HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification Service built with swift - send push notifications to iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS, visionOS, and Safari!
Alternatives To Apnswift
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Pushsharp4,35274142 years ago48April 07, 2016210otherC#
A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS (iPhone/iPad APNS), Android (C2DM and GCM - Google Cloud Message), Windows Phone, Windows 8, Amazon, Blackberry, and (soon) FirefoxOS devices!
Apns22,8851954a year ago16April 18, 202237mitGo
⚡ HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) push provider for Go — Send push notifications to iOS, tvOS, Safari and OSX apps, using the APNs HTTP/2 protocol.
Java Apns1,767245204 years ago9February 06, 2015149bsd-3-clauseJava
Java Apple Push Notification Service Provider
6 years ago57otherPython
Python library for interacting with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs)
Ios Dev Flow1,195
10 years ago2
iOS 开发流程笔记
Grocer1,010102118 years ago28April 22, 201723mitRuby
Pushing your Apple notifications since 2012.
4 months ago4apache-2.0Swift
📱HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification Service built with swift - send push notifications to iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS, visionOS, and Safari!
Apns54810548 years ago5December 11, 201235mitRuby
An Apple Push Notification Service gem
Buford473134 years ago19October 11, 201912mitGo
A push notification delivery engine for the new HTTP/2 APNS service.
Apnotic4421312 years ago21September 22, 202111mitRuby
A Ruby APNs HTTP/2 gem able to provide instant feedback.
Alternatives To Apnswift
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