Statebot Sh Alternatives

Statebot for shell-scripts. Describe the states and allowed transitions of a program using a flowchart-like syntax.
Alternatives To Statebot Sh
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
D3fc1,22529199 months ago174June 21, 2022169mitHTML
A collection of components that make it easy to build interactive charts with D3
Vue Workflow Chart8118 months ago22July 19, 201930gpl-3.0JavaScript
Create Workflow-Charts with Vue.js
Scxmleditor Tutorial53
10 months ago8bsd-3-clauseC++
ScxmlEditor - powerful tool for creating, editing and debugging scxml files
Graphscape4523 years ago1May 27, 20211JavaScript
A directed graph model of the visualization design space, using Vega-Lite.
Statebot Sh16
2 years agomitShell
Statebot for shell-scripts. Describe the states and allowed transitions of a program using a flowchart-like syntax.
Harel10136 years ago1January 26, 2018JavaScript
Harel Statecharts in javascript for declarative UI
D3 Notes10
12 years agoJavaScript
Notatki do prezentacji D3 Workshop
Angular Areaspline6
11 years agomitJavaScript
Simple areaspline chart directive. Uses d3's area chart.
General Markov6
10 years agoJavaScript
Ios Delirium5
6 years ago12October 25, 20173mitSwift
Delirium contains a set of UI components that can be reused during development.
Alternatives To Statebot Sh
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