Bottombar Alternatives

(Deprecated) A custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
Alternatives To Bottombar
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
3 years ago1August 18, 2019289apache-2.0Java
(Deprecated) A custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
Material Bottomnavigation1,429
a year ago11November 29, 201853mitKotlin
Bottom Navigation widget component inspired by the Google Material Design Guidelines at
4 years ago1September 05, 201735apache-2.0Java
Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on (OLD) Google Material Design guidelines.
776 years ago5September 03, 20182apache-2.0Java
Animated favorite/star/like button
Waterfall Toolbar283
4 years agon,ullmitKotlin
Material Design Guideline174
6 years agon,ullapache-2.0Kotlin
A library for Android developers who want to create layout which follows Google material design principle.
3 years ago1apache-2.0Java
[DEPPERCATED] MDPreference makes the Material Design PreferenceFragment for pre-Lollipop.
4 years agon,ullJava
Dating UI kit is used for online meet up with girls and boys . The screen contains more than 30 icons and most of all required elements required to design an application like this. The XML and JAVA files contains comments at each and every point for easy understanding. Everything was made with a detail oriented style and followed by today's web trends. Clean coded & Layers are well-organized, carefully named, and grouped.
Admin Theme14044352 years ago41June 11, 20228mitLess
Primefaces admin theme based on Admin LTE and Bootstrap
4 years agon,ullJava
Grocery store template is created as a wonderful solution for any agricultural or organic food shop Android App UI template. It is a template for an Android developer that want to create grocery application with a clean design. The template is only lay outing without data flow and communication with the backend system. This UI Template can reduce your development time and will loved by developer that hate lay outing design! You can use this app as one big super market app to sale product of your store. This app make easy for user to buy product from store with easy steps and store can get easy order.
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