Awesome Neovim Alternatives

Collections of awesome neovim plugins.
Alternatives To Awesome Neovim
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Vim Galore16,062
a year ago9cc-by-sa-4.0Vim script
:mortar_board: All things Vim!
Awesome Neovim13,020
a year ago10cc0-1.0
Collections of awesome neovim plugins.
Awesome Dotfiles998
2 years ago16Lua
Dotfiles for awesome people using the awesomewm linux environment
a year ago2Shell
My dotfiles / default location for ricing configs.
a year ago1gpl-3.0C
My dotfiles with dwm, qtile and awesome.
Gruvbox Baby326
a year ago5mitLua
Gruvbox theme for neovim with full 🎄TreeSitter support.
a year agomitLua
My personal dotfiles for most of the programs I use on a daily basis.
Awesome Neovim123
a year agogpl-3.0Lua
Awesome Configurations for C/C++, Zig, Rust, Python, Shell, Web and Lua development in NeoVim
a year agogpl-3.0Lua
Neovim configuration for Developer. Minimal UI, optimize timestartup. AND U CAN OVERRIDE MY CONFIG!!
Awesome Viml81
a year ago1
A curated list of awesome VimL frameworks, libraries and software.
Alternatives To Awesome Neovim
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