Rhte Demo Alternatives

Reactica, a thrilling roller coaster ride through another dimension featuring Red Hat Reactive Technologies
Alternatives To Rhte Demo
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Quarkus12,76188 months ago166November 22, 20232,499apache-2.0Java
Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java.
Atomix2,33346a year ago14February 07, 20237apache-2.0Go
A Kubernetes toolkit for building distributed applications using cloud native principles
9 months ago2apache-2.0TypeScript
Real-time FX trading showcase by Adaptive.
Spring Redis Websocket149
9 months ago2apache-2.0Java
Multi-instance Reactive WebSocket messaging Chat App demo using Spring Boot 3.x, Java 17 and Redis Pub/Sub
8 months agoapache-2.0Java
This is an example application to show howto use Spring Boot 3, Angular 17, Kafka with Streams and Mongodb with the reactive features of Spring in a clean architecture and a Helm chart for the Kubernetes setup. Structurizr is used for C4 diagrams.
Quarkus Sandbox68
8 months agogpl-3.0HTML
Quarkus playground
a year agoGo
Examples of the most important features of this languages.
Chief Of State43
2 years ago21mitScala
gRPC clustered event sourcing tool
Vertx Kubernetes Workshop40
3 years ago1apache-2.0Java
A workshop showing how to develop reactive microservices with Vert.x and deploy them with Kubernetes
Yakc3798 months ago29September 22, 202324apache-2.0Java
Yet another Kubernetes Client - Lower level Java REST client for Kubernetes API
Alternatives To Rhte Demo
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