Generator Angular Express Sequelize Alternatives

Yeoman generator for AngularJS + Express + Sequelize
Alternatives To Generator Angular Express Sequelize
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
2 years agomitJavaScript
👕 👖 📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
Typescript Express Starter2,3561a year ago68October 04, 202339mitTypeScript
📘 Quick and Easy TypeScript Express Starter
Epilogue824137165 years ago19December 12, 201673JavaScript
Create flexible REST endpoints and controllers from Sequelize models in your Express app
Node Ddd Boilerplate668
2 years ago46otherJavaScript
Node DDD Boilerplate
Youtubeclone Backend602
3 years ago8mitJavaScript
Youtube Clone Backend (Express + Sequelize)
Stackoverflow Clone Frontend553
a year ago19mitJavaScript
Clone project of a famous Q/A website for developers built using MySQL, Express, React, Node, Sequelize :globe_with_meridians:
Mean Stack Relational426
6 years agomitJavaScript
M*EAN (*MySQL, Express, Angular, Node) - A Simple, Scalable and Easy starting point for javascript web development with a relational database ORM
Next Ssr Blog419
2 years ago7TypeScript
A blog system based on nextjs.
My Js405
a year ago1mitJavaScript
Руководства, шпаргалки, вопросы и другие материалы по JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, Express, Prisma, GraphQL, Docker и другим технологиям, связанным с разработкой веб-приложений.
Express Promise320159189 years ago12December 01, 20148mitJavaScript
Middleware for easy rendering of async Query results.
Alternatives To Generator Angular Express Sequelize
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