Tftp Alternatives

TFTP server and client library for Golang
Alternatives To Tftp
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
2 years ago1December 07, 202398otherC++
rpclib is a modern C++ msgpack-RPC server and client library
Graphpipe704216 years ago5August 15, 201813otherMakefile
Machine Learning Model Deployment Made Simple
a year ago132lgpl-3.0C++
Open Source C++ OPC-UA Server and Client Library
152 years ago14July 11, 202396mitPHP
PHP client library for interacting with a RETS server to pull real estate listings, photos and other data made available from an MLS system
Stellite37316 years ago3February 01, 201714otherC++
Stellite project is a client library and server application that offers an easy way to develop, build, and implement client/server running primarily over the QUIC protocol developed by Google as part of the Chromium project.
Jreactive 8583309
3a year ago17July 02, 202217apache-2.0Kotlin
Kotlin/Java Client & Server for ISO8583 & Netty
Tftp26632a year ago4November 12, 20235mitGo
TFTP server and client library for Golang
55 years ago6August 25, 20196apache-2.0Swift
A simple Swift client library for the Server Sent Events (SSE)
11 years ago4mitObjective-C
Objective-C Client Library for the Faye Pub-Sub messaging server (
Canvas Video Generator10728 years ago1March 27, 20163unlicenseJavaScript
Capture HTML5 canvas frames and render high quality video with FFMPEG.
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