Project Name | Stars | Downloads | Repos Using This | Packages Using This | Most Recent Commit | Total Releases | Latest Release | Open Issues | License | Language |
Elm D3 | 328 | 8 years ago | 5 | other | JavaScript | |||||
Elm bindings for D3.js | ||||||||||
Purescript D3 | 80 | 6 | 7 years ago | September 28, 2016 | 6 | mit | PureScript | |||
PureScript bindings for D3 | ||||||||||
Ocaml D3 | 67 | 7 years ago | 6 | other | OCaml | |||||
OCaml bindings for D3.js | ||||||||||
Bs D3 | 43 | 2 | 4 years ago | 1 | January 27, 2019 | 5 | mit | Reason | ||
Experimental d3 5.x bindings for BuckleScript | ||||||||||
Koextensions | 36 | 8 years ago | 3 | mit | JavaScript | |||||
Simple charting library originaly built for KnockoutJS and few useful knockout bindings | ||||||||||
Trellis | 34 | 2 | a year ago | 34 | October 15, 2023 | 13 | isc | TypeScript | ||
High-performance network visualization library, rendering to WebGL as well as other targets | ||||||||||
Rchartscalmap | 31 | 8 years ago | 6 | other | JavaScript | |||||
An htmlwidgets binding for calendar heat maps using d3 | ||||||||||
Specutils | 22 | a year ago | 1 | lgpl-2.1 | C++ | |||||
A library for opening, manipulating, and exporting gamma spectral files | ||||||||||
D3.angularize | 15 | 9 years ago | JavaScript | |||||||
Want a bit of data-binding within a D3 context? | ||||||||||
Svg Binding | 12 | 11 years ago | 1 | apache-2.0 | Dart | |||||
Examples of Interactive Graphics using SVG and template binding |