Climate Risk Map

Show climate risk on a map of the US, with the MIT Joint Program data
Alternatives To Climate Risk Map
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
React Map Gl4138119 months ago76July 19, 202250mitJavaScript
React Component Library for Mapbox GL JS
Covid19 Full Stack Application321
a year ago14mitJavaScript
Coronavirus - (COVID-19) Full Stack Application
Rgm21614 years ago4October 16, 20202otherJavaScript
Tiny (1kb less) but very powerful React Google Map
React Map Components Maplibre89
3 months ago3mitTypeScript
A react component framework for declarative GIS application development.
4 months ago3mitTypeScript
Geographic data editing tool based on L7
React Leaflet Vectorgrid13565 years ago11February 01, 20193mitJavaScript
React wrapper of Leaflet.VectorGrid. Display gridded vector data (sliced GeoJSON or protobuf vector tiles) in Leaflet.
React Leaflet Choropleth13
4 years ago2iscJavaScript
Component for React-Leaflet that adds choropleth functionality
Google React Maps12135 years ago134March 28, 20192JavaScript
A new approach to the google maps api using react.
Climate Risk Map11
4 months ago1gpl-3.0TypeScript
Show climate risk on a map of the US, with the MIT Joint Program data
Geojson Prop Types1026 years ago7February 27, 20181JavaScript
GeoJSON Prop Types for React
Alternatives To Climate Risk Map
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