Minimalclock Alternatives

Alternatives To Minimalclock
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Buildtimeanalyzer For Xcode4,212
a year agoNovember 29, 201715mitSwift
Build Time Analyzer for Swift
Optimizing Swift Build Times3,315
6 years ago5mitSwift
Collection of advice on optimizing compile times of Swift projects.
Xcode Build Times154
2 years ago3mitPHP
This BitBar/SwiftBar plugin shows the time you spend waiting for Xcode to do your builds
9 months agomitSwift
Times around the world because no brain should have to work out what time it is in NYC or what time it is here when it's 4PM in London or what time 4PM in London is here...
Xcode Build Times Rendering134
5 years ago2October 15, 20185mitJavaScript
Xcode build times visualization per target
4 years agomitShell
My setup... dotfiles, aliases, functions, preferences, apps. Everything.
3 years agomitSwift
MinimalClock: a MacOS screen saver
Xcs Tweaks33
7 years ago1
Misc tweaks for Xcode Server
Swift Iso8601 Durationparser25
a year agomitSwift
Swift ISO8601 Parser
11 years ago1March 24, 20153mitObjective-C
Objective-C library for Muslim Prayer Times
Alternatives To Minimalclock
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