Googleclock Alternatives

The core of it is SVG .
Alternatives To Googleclock
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
8 years ago1Java
The core of it is SVG .
Stylist35414 years ago2December 03, 20183apache-2.0Kotlin
A stylist creates cool styles. Stylist is a Gradle plugin that codegens a base set of Android XML themes.
Material Theme For Npp289
4 years ago1
Material Theme (Dark) for Notepad++
Admin Theme14044352 years ago41June 11, 20228mitLess
Primefaces admin theme based on Admin LTE and Bootstrap
14 years agoRuby
A powerful charting framework to easily add charts to your rails/merb applications
Jetbrains Github Theme54
5 years agomit
JetBrains' IDEA/PhpStorm/PyCharm/DataGrip/GoLand/… theme inspired by the GitHub syntax highlighting style (version 3)
45 years ago55February 13, 2020apache-2.0Java
Provides various "Material Design"-styled preferences
Phpstorm Github Theme43
7 years ago
Magento Local.xml Template36
11 years ago
A great Start for your next Magento Theme's local.xml file
Codemirror Aceeditor Theme Generator35
3 years ago2JavaScript
CodeMirror & Ace Editor themes generated from a GUI and/or Sublime Text & TextMate themes
Alternatives To Googleclock
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