Itemtouchhelper Extension Alternatives

Extension for itemtouchhelper with swipe settling,recover and no conflict with recyclerview
Alternatives To Itemtouchhelper Extension
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
112a year ago32September 24, 201972otherSwift
Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock, implemented in Swift.
Android Advancedrecyclerview5,181
3 years ago30February 07, 2021191apache-2.0Java
RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting)
Splide4,4416210 months ago150November 09, 202289mitTypeScript
Splide is a lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel written in TypeScript. No dependencies, no Lighthouse errors.
Fastadapter3,833176163 months ago139September 30, 20227apache-2.0Kotlin
The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fraction...
8 years agoapache-2.0Java
Swipe and drag support for RecyclerView with undo action.
5 years ago69mitJava
Easy, flexible and powerful Swipe Layout for Android
Any Touch1,1332262 years ago149May 24, 202215mitTypeScript
:wave: Touch gesture library, 1kb~5kb, compatible with PC / mobile
Itemtouchhelper Extension1,026
7 years ago12Java
Extension for itemtouchhelper with swipe settling,recover and no conflict with recyclerview
a year ago6August 27, 2023apache-2.0Kotlin
Kotlin Android library that extends RecyclerView to support gestures like drag & drop and swipe, among others. It works with vertical, horizontal and grid lists.
a year ago7mitSwift
Add customizable swipe actions to any view.
Alternatives To Itemtouchhelper Extension
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