Mastering Nextjs Alternatives

A free video course for building static and server-side rendered applications with Next.js and React.
Alternatives To Mastering Nextjs
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Mastering Nextjs504
2 years ago4JavaScript
A free video course for building static and server-side rendered applications with Next.js and React.
2 years ago24TypeScript
Boilerplate to use in our React Avançado course
Super Star216
a year ago10mitTypeScript
The open-source course landing page 🚀🚀🚀
Awesome Course19323 years ago2December 16, 2021TypeScript
Create awesome courses that let your audience learn by coding. ⌨️
Pluralsight Designing React Components Course Code166
2 years ago5mitJavaScript
Pluralsight Course on Designing React Components.
Ethereum Solidity Course Updated Code163
2 years ago2JavaScript
Up-to-date Solidity / web3.js / Node.js / React / Next.js code for the course Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide.
Pluralsight Course Server Side Rendered React Nextjs69
2 years ago123mitJavaScript
This is the repository associated with the Pluralsight course "Building Server-side React Apps"
Nextjs 10165
4 years ago3mitJavaScript
Portfolio Jerga App33
2 years ago4JavaScript
Next JS Serverless - Udemy course material
React Nights 201926
4 years ago2TypeScript
This repository serves as an online course for learning React.
Alternatives To Mastering Nextjs
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