Oclgrind Alternatives

An OpenCL device simulator and debugger
Alternatives To Oclgrind
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Bullet311,480891149 months ago226November 28, 2023275otherC++
Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
Opencl Headers624
10 months ago40apache-2.0C
Khronos OpenCL-Headers
Opencl Clhpp332
10 months ago2April 06, 202259apache-2.0C++
Khronos OpenCL-CLHPP
2 years ago3December 09, 202138otherC++
An OpenCL device simulator and debugger
Computecpp Sdk311
a year agootherC
Collection of samples and utilities for using ComputeCpp, Codeplay's SYCL implementation
Opencl Guide244
2 years ago5cc-by-4.0CMake
A guide to help developers get up and running quickly with the OpenCL programming framework
2 years ago5bsd-3-clauseC++
A collection of extensions for Vitis and Intel FPGA OpenCL to improve developer quality of life.
Opencl Icd Loader208
a year ago13October 01, 202241apache-2.0C
The OpenCL ICD Loader project.
Ck Caffe186
5 years ago28otherCMake
Collective Knowledge workflow for Caffe to automate installation across diverse platforms and to collaboratively evaluate and optimize Caffe-based workloads across diverse hardware, software and data sets (compilers, libraries, tools, models, inputs):
Jocl1637310a year ago14May 06, 202319otherJava
Java bindings for OpenCL
Alternatives To Oclgrind
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