Kiel Alternatives

(Published to MavenCentral) Kotlin way of building RecyclerView Adapter 🧩. You do not have to write RecyclerView Adapters again and again and suffer from handling of different view types. Kiel will help you.
Alternatives To Kiel
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Fastadapter3,833176162 months ago139September 30, 20227apache-2.0Kotlin
The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fraction...
3 years ago60apache-2.0Java
Fast and versatile Adapter for RecyclerView which regroups several features into one library to considerably improve the user experience :-)
7 years ago108Java
ArrayAdapter,pull to refresh,auto load more,Header/Footer,EmptyView,ProgressView,ErrorView
6 years ago12apache-2.0Kotlin
Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!
a year ago3mitKotlin
A Viewholderless Adapter for RecyclerView, who supports builtin diffing, states (paging, empty...), events (clicking, swiping...), and more.
3 years ago10apache-2.0Java
自定义支持上拉加载更多,下拉刷新,可以自定义头部和底部,可以添加多个headerView,使用一个原生recyclerView就可以搞定复杂界面。支持自由切换状态【加载中,加载成功,加载失败,没网络等状态】的控件,可以自定义状态视图View。拓展功能【支持长按拖拽,侧滑删除】,轻量级,可以选择性添加 。多年前已经使用于前项目投资界,新芽,沙丘大学等APP正式项目中!持续更新……
Efficientadapter427515 years ago5February 21, 20212apache-2.0Java
Create a new adapter for a RecyclerView or ViewPager is now much easier.
8 years agoapache-2.0Java
A Common RecyclerView.Adapter implementation which supports all kind of items and has useful data operating APIs such as remove,add,etc.
3 years ago1April 27, 202112apache-2.0Kotlin
(Published to MavenCentral) Kotlin way of building RecyclerView Adapter 🧩. You do not have to write RecyclerView Adapters again and again and suffer from handling of different view types. Kiel will help you.
8 years ago6apache-2.0Java
Super simple RecyclerView adapter using Data Binding Technology.
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