Presentation Alternatives

📑 Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
Alternatives To Presentation
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
75 years ago10October 22, 20181otherSwift
:bookmark_tabs: Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
Animated Mesh Lines668
2 years ago17JavaScript
Tutorial and demos for Codrops about how play with the THREE.MeshLine library
Animation Tutorials493
4 years agoKotlin
🍭🚀💗 Tutorials about animations with Animators, Animated Vector Drawables, Shared Transitions, and more
2 years ago2mitJava
A collection of JavaFX tutorials from my YouTube channel
Meteor Tutorials106
7 years ago2September 23, 201511mitCoffeeScript
Create super cool animated tutorials for your Meteor app.
React Native Movie 2.0 Carousel102
3 years ago1JavaScript
Animated Borders D3js88
8 years agoHTML
Animated U.S. states border map with D3.js
7 years ago3Objective-C
React Native Drag and Drop Tutorial
Codrops Svg Drums56
9 years agoHTML
SVG animated drum kit you can play, built for a tutorial on Codrops
Animated Floatbuttons49
3 years ago1February 25, 20197mitDart
Allows you to create a collapsible list of float buttons. Based on Agung Surya's tutorial in
Alternatives To Presentation
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