Hamulete Alternatives

Alternatives To Hamulete
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
4 months agoPython
a year ago10gpl-3.0Python
End to end human text analysis package, specifically suited for social media and social scientific applications. It is written in Python 3 and developed by the World Well-Being Project at the University of Pennsylvania and Stony Brook University.
Social Media Workshop86
6 years agoHTML
Workshop: Collecting and Analyzing Social Media Data with R
5 years ago7mitRuby
A social network for co-op students at the University of Waterloo to share their rankings with each other.
Ecace Social Network Django Project10
14 years agoPython
A social network for engineering and computer science students at Concordia University.
8 years agoR
Social Data Science, summer school course at University of Copenhagen
4 years ago1mitHTML
POST 8000 (Foundations of Social Science Research for Public Policy) is a class I teach at Clemson University
4 years ago10mitTypeScript
UniCS Social: API Server
Msd2017 Notes6
8 years agoTeX
Scribe notes for Modeling Social Data, Columbia University (Spring 2017)
7 years agomitJupyter Notebook
Project for Social Network Mining(COMP130069.01)@ Fudan University
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