Ruby3 Rails6 Bootstrap Heroku Alternatives

An opinionated starter application based on Ruby 3.0, Rails 6.1, Webpack 5, Yarn, and Bootstrap 5, deployable on Heroku
Alternatives To Ruby3 Rails6 Bootstrap Heroku
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Js Stack From Scratch19,39622 years ago1January 19, 201748mitJavaScript
🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
Django React Boilerplate1,749
10 months ago25mitPython
Django 5, React, Bootstrap 5 with Python 3 and webpack project boilerplate
6 years ago16JavaScript
Sample application built with Backbone.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, MongoDB
10 years agoRuby
A video social network built with Ruby on Rails, HAML, Bootstrap, and jQuery.
Flask App Blueprint197
10 months ago3mitPython
Flask App Blueprint / Boilerplate including user registration/login, admin only section, CRUD on database, and more. Based on Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, et al. deployed on Heroku. The #1 starter project.
Ng Demo185
a year ago1TypeScript
🦴 Bare Bones Angular and Angular CLI Tutorial
Ruby2 Rails4 Bootstrap Heroku175
a year agobsd-2-clauseRuby
A starter application based on Ruby 2.4, Rails 4.2 and Bootstrap for Sass 3, deployable on Heroku
Flight Price Prediction136
2 years ago14Jupyter Notebook
Now you can get Flight ticket fare with this wonderful end to end project.
Flask Bootstrap Skel135
10 years agobsd-3-clausePython
A Flask skeleton application (simple package structured) with Twitter Bootstrap integration, SQLAlchemy, Gunicorn, Fabric, Sqlite and Postgresql. Heroku Ready!
7 years ago19January 06, 20186mitHTML
Welcome to Gentelella - Responsive Bootstrap Admin Application based on the Foundation of Symfony and Gentelella!
Alternatives To Ruby3 Rails6 Bootstrap Heroku
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