Internet Identity Alternatives

Internet Identity, a blockchain authentication system for the Internet Computer
Alternatives To Internet Identity
Project NameStarsDownloadsRepos Using ThisPackages Using ThisMost Recent CommitTotal ReleasesLatest ReleaseOpen IssuesLicenseLanguage
Internet Identity343
a year ago38otherRust
Internet Identity, a blockchain authentication system for the Internet Computer
2 years ago16apache-2.0Ruby
Barong auth server
8 years agoapache-2.0Rust
A cryptographically verifiable access control and directory system for Linux servers
6 years ago2mitTypeScript
This project is being merged into Bitauth CLI:
a year ago2Go
基于omni协议的bitcoin blockchain 上usdt rpc调用实现
Sign In With Web3242a year ago8September 06, 202323TypeScript
With Sign-in With Web3, users will be able to take control of their digital identities with their Web3 accounts rather than relying on custodial Oauth providers such as Google and Facebook. What this means is that users don't need to share their information and usage data. Leveraging the security and privacy aspects of Web3 accounts, users can controls what they share and in what capacity with the apps/dApps they're interating with.
Go Cita24
6 years ago1gpl-3.0Go
A Go implementation of CITA.
Forge Js248632 years ago485December 01, 202328otherJavaScript
:fire: JavaScript libraries to work with forge framework
Blockchain Based Authentication21
2 years agomitJavaScript
Use the Blockchain to generate a Blockchain-based authentication (BBA) that allows to store user's login information hash in a smart contract.
Blockstack Auth Python20
18 years ago4September 23, 20155mitPython
[DEPRECATED] Blockchain Auth library, written in python
Alternatives To Internet Identity
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